Want to get a prerelease track from the upcoming pronobozo album?
Like pronobozo on facebook and get a couple friends to join in. A track called “Coming Back” will be unlocked for you to download. You could be one of the first people to ever hear it!
As you may or may not know, I am spending this entire week finishing up the next pronobozo album. I’ve been running a contribution drive to support this “best week ever”. So far there have been 6 packs of coke, 20L of beer, and 3 pounds of bacon added to the collection. It’s not impossible for me to consume all the beer, but then I wouldn’t be getting much music finished right? So I’ve decided to get in special guests to help me drink it all.
First to drop by was Allen Keng. You may know him from the videos back in the day with Team Ryouko, in particular Friday Night Madness 4. He’s a multi-talented gymnast, martial arts master, stunt performer and what the heck, he’s freakin hung out with Jackie Chan. He’s done stunts in RED, The Love Guru, Resident Evil, Repo men, and loads of other movies and tv shows. You can check out his IMDB. Add him on Facebook
Allen was heading out to a Comicon after party with a bunch of cosplay girls. I chose to stay home. THAT’s how dedicated I am to this week of music.
Yesterday we had two more contributions from Никола С, and Patrick M. This has added 10L to the fridge bringing the total to 20L of beer. Thanks guys!
If you’d like to contribute to the “best week ever” in my hope of finishing the pronobozo album.. follow.. this.. -> link <-
I have the entire week off March 10-17th to work on music. I am hoping to finish up most of the tracks for the next album. I am providing daily updates on FACEBOOK.
I have a small contribution drive going on right now to help make this the best week ever. If you want to send some money visit the “Send a Thanks” page. So far I’ve been able to buy a weeks supply of Coca-cola and Beer.